
Justice prevails in Excessive Force case

Kings County, New York.  Our client was enjoying the J"Ouvert Festival with family and friends in Brooklyn, when the group was approached by police.  All the male members of the group were searched without probable cause and subjected to verbal abuse.  Finding nothing illegal, the police left, only to be followed by another set of officers who
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We represent many individuals who have been injured in motorcycle accidents.  Time and time again, cars fail to notice motorcyclists driving lawfully upon the road and cut in front of them, merge directly into their lane or force them off the road.  Time and again, it is the motorcyclist alone who suffers injury from the other driver’s
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Two Arrested – Drugs And Guns

Two Arrested In Drugs And Guns Scheme By Christopher Flaherty Special to The Sun - March 22, 2007 City Law Enforcement Officials arrested two men charged with running a criminal network that used drug profits to purchase and sell guns on the streets on New York. In the scheme, three suspects, Peguy Desir, 27, Joshua Pierre, 30, and a man
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Law Offices of Michael Singer, P.C.