A Chelsea man was able to avoid a lengthy prison sentence for the sale of chrystal-meth by entering into a special drug addiction treatment program. The program, which is increasingly more and more difficult to get into, will help this accomplished individual rehabilitate and be able to live his life as a free man.
- Staten Island Dog Abuse Trial
- $5,000,000 settlement at trial for brain injured victim
- Male models accused of running cocaine delivery service from Chelsea apartment
- Police Misconduct: the word of an unreliable civilian complainant should not serve as probable cause to arrest
- DOG BITES: Landlord Liability
- Clients with MEMORY LOSS are held to LESSER STANDARD in assessing proof of negligence and comparative fault
- $1,150,000 to man who falls down stairs
- $480,000 to driver in one car accident
- Doctor acquitted in Federal Insurance Fraud Trial
- Trial of client in police shooting case