Student Arrested In December Drug Bust Hoping To Transfer Schools

By Sammy Roth January 27, 2011. Harrison David, SEAS ’12, who was arrested last month for selling drugs, will seek a plea bargain that does not include jail time, his attorney said Tuesday. David is one of five students who were arrested in an on-campus police raid last month and charged with selling cocaine, marijuana, MDMA, Adderall,
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Smurf Man Gets Probation For Wacky Extortion Scheme

By LAURA ITALIANO Posted: 3:57 PM, December 21, 2010 Stuart Ross, the down-on-his heels septaugenarian who brought the Surfs to the U.S. in the '80s, was sentenced to at least two years probation today for a bizarre, $11 million extortion scheme against his son-in-law, London private equity giant David Blitzer. Ross had pleaded guilty in
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He Wanted To Bury Dad Not Hire A Hooker

BY John Marzulli DAILY NEWS STAFF WRITER Friday, March 19th 2010, 4:00 AM A Bronx man is suing the city for $1.5 million because he missed his father's funeral when he was arrested for soliciting sex - a charge that was later dropped. Clifton Quarles Jr., fought the criminal charges for one year, refusing to accept a conditional
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Madoff Faces Hard Time, Victims’ Wrath

Written by Jason Fink with Newsday Bernie Madoff will learn today whether he will die in prison. A few victims of the disgraced Wall Street financier, who faces a maximum 150 years in prison, will get their chance to tell Judge Denny Chin of the havoc the fraudster wreaked on their lives. Some of the thousand of other victims have already
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